Protecting your business from lawsuits


Businesses can end up facing a lot of legal issues if they are not careful. So here’s how you can avoid lawsuits with some of the top strategies:

Be very careful who you work with and of the work that you do

It is essential for every business, big or small, to be cautious of who they work with and what work they do, because sometimes getting involved in the wrong type of work or working with unscrupulous people can land the business in legal trouble.

Don’t give Public Statements without due consideration

Be very certain about what statements are made by you as a business owner, as well as your employees. Always be careful not to make offensive or defamatory statements that can lead to a lawsuit.

Get your company insured

General Liability insurance will help you in circumstances where your company has been sued as it covers for your attorney as well as any other costs that are involved in the lawsuit. Large businesses with a board of directors should secure Directors And Officers liability (D&O) insurance as well, which protects the directors’ assets in case of a court case against the company.

Hire an experienced and capable Attorney

When you first setup your company, be sure to interview a number of attorneys and select one who is fully aware of the local laws and can give you competent legal advice under the circumstance that you are sued.

Incorporate your business

Incorporating your business and not running it as a sole proprietor ensures that your personal property and assets cannot be brought into question if the company is sued. This is known as separating yourself from the company. Incorporating the business means that a trust owns the business and while the positive impact of this is that your individual property and assets are safeguarded, the downside is that you will have to follow additional laws and pay additional taxes.

Focus on your contracts

Sit down with your lawyer and draft out contracts, taking care of all the legal aspects. This saves the time and energy that you will have to spend if a client finds a reason to sue your company. If, for example, your contract already covers the fact that your company is not responsible under the event that there is a natural calamity that made it impossible for you to complete the work promised in a contract, then you will be saved from legal action that your client could have taken against you for not stated this clearly in your contract.

Ensure the Safety and Backup of Files

Be sure to ensure the safety of all your files by installing anti-virus software on your computers and by always maintaining a backup. In case of hard copies, always ensure that copies of important files are maintained at an offsite location in case a fire breaks out and your files are destroyed. This prevents a lawsuit as your clients’ important documents are always safeguarded.

With these easy and smart moves, you can safeguard your business against potential legal action.

Business Litigation Lawyers in Orange County California