Why Your Handbook Should Include Sexual Harassment Policies


There is no doubt that when it comes to lawsuits, the best offence is a good defense. Lawsuits are by nature, one of the most inevitable issues that every business has to face at some point in time. These litigation proceedings will not only increase the overall expenses of your business but will also take a large chunk of your time to handle appropriately. These cases also have the tendency to tarnish your businesses image in the eyes of the customers and there is no telling how detrimental a lawsuit can be.

Sexual harassment cases are a common employment litigation matter. Sexual harassment by definition is the infringement of an individual’s rights through an inappropriate sexual advance or obscene remarks.

Studies have shown that an average of 60% employees have been sexually harassed at work. A substantial amount of this percentage is of women who unfortunately have to deal with sexual harassment on a daily basis. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 stated that each employee has to be treated equally and that any type of sexual harassment is an infringement of an individual’s inherent rights.

So first, let’s discuss why a policy needs to be in place against it, based on how it affects the work environment.

Sexual harassment affects the workplace?

Most people do not realize how sexual harassment is one of the most malignant activities that one can indulge in. Not only is it a violation of people’s rights, but it also has a ripple effect that can have disastrous results for your business. Given below are the most evident effects sexual harassment can have on your business.

  • Reinforces the stereotype of woman employees as sex objects
  • Discourages woman from asserting themselves or working to their true potential
  • Studies have proven that women who have suffered from sexual harassment face a variety of psychiatric injuries such as depression.
  • Has a cumulative detrimental effect on the motivation levels of employees
  • Sexual harassment cases are often publicized which will affect the good will of your company

Besides this, a business can also be held liable for any sexual harassment activities that its employees conduct unless they clearly state in their policy that this is forbidden. Although most businesses have realized the importance of outlining sexual harassment in their company policies, they often miss out on the core elements of effectively discouraging this activity.

Elements of sexual harassment that your company’s policy should contain

These are the different elements that your policies should incorporate to avoid sexual harassment cases and unnecessary litigation proceedings, as well as to safeguard the rights of employees:

  • Zero tolerance: By listing this activity as a zero tolerance policy, it will make it clear to the employees that there is no room for sexual harassment and if any employee commits the act, they will face immediate termination.
  • Definition: Your policy should contain the clear definition of sexual harassment. It could state the concept from the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • State examples: Another way to get the message across clearly is through stating an example of sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Protection of each employee: Although women suffer from the majority of sexual harassment activities in the workplace, it should not be limited to them. Men require an equal protection of their rights.
  • Procedure of harassment complaints: Your policies should also highlight the procedure of complaining about sexual harassment. This procedure should be conducted with confidentiality.
  • Training: Your guide should also mention that numerous trainings will be conducted on sexual harassment and its effects.

Mentioning all of these core elements in your policy handbook will ensure that your workplace is protected from this activity and will also help prevent lawsuits that could ruin your business.

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