Practice – Defending Class Action Lawsuits

For Complex Class Action issues, your company needs a legal counselor that understands your goals and bottom lines. When it comes to Class Actions, Nowland Law handles a variety of Class Actions, as well as full cycle lawsuits. Some of these include:

  • Working towards immediate resolution
  • Pre-Certification Hearing Discovery
  • Class Certification Motions and Hearings
  • Interlocutory Appeals of Certification Ruling
  • Trials
  • Negotiating and Facilitating Settlements
  • Court Approval
  • Consumer Class Action
  • Tax-Driven Investments
  • Privately Placed Securities
  • Debts, Warrants, and Other Stock Related Class Actions
  • Antitrust
  • Copyright Infringement
  • Employment or Labor Related Class Actions
  • Real Estate
  • Partnership Fraud

A Strain on the Business

Irrespective of the type of lawsuit, lawsuits in general can put an unnecessary burden on the finances of a company. Litigation can put a strain on the working of a business. A class action on the other hand, is even more damaging for a business. It can not only hit the finances of a business hard, it can also affect the operations of a business as well as hamper their performance and prospects in the future.

The fact that class actions can hit a business hard is why there is a need for business to turn to experienced law firms such as Nowland Law to defend a business against these class actions. A class action gone wrong can significantly hamper a business’s reputation. For large businesses reputation and brand image go a long way in defining the success of a product and therefore they cannot be compromised. The best way to dispense with a class action is to hire a professional law firm who knows how to handle and defuse the situation.

businessman newspapers

Why are Class Actions Initiated?

This article takes a look at some of the reasons why class actions are initiated against businesses. Understanding the reasons behind a class action helps in defending the business against it, because its motives are then clearer.

  • In situation where a group of people or a large class of victims have been affected by an environmental disaster caused by a company.
  • An organization where employees are subjected to practical, racial, gender and age based discrimination.
  • Consumers who were duped into buying a product that was not worth its hype or didn’t live up to its billing.
  • People who have invested their money in groups in investment portfolios and end up losing their money because of gross negligence.
  • Class action against a real estate dealer who has inflated the price of a property in an area and misled the buyers.
  • Actions against a business that has stolen the USP of another business.
  • Investors who have lost their money as part of a securities scam which was committed by the higher ups in trading company.

How Lawyers Can Help You Defend

When a case goes into trial and litigation, a business cannot speak for itself in court. It needs a spokesperson in court to fight the litigation case and lawyers can become a business’s voice in such situations.

Litigations can be long drawn out and boring. If you decide to go itn alone, you are unlikely to have the stamina to go through with the entire case and handle the affairs of your business simultaneously. On the other hand, lawyers can help you defend class actions because they will have the experience to get through such situations.

Hiring a competent lawyer will help you in your class action lawsuits as they are aware of the intricacies of the law in this area. On top of that, their history and experience in the field will help them make a strong case for your business in the court of law.

There is more to Business Litigation than Breach of Contract. Here are some other practice areas the attorney team at Nowland Law is able to help you out with.

Schedule an appointment for a Case Evaluation. Our evaluations bear zero-commitment and zero cost.